nissan gtr 2013 nurburgring lap time

NISSAN GT-R NISMO - NURBURGRING RECORD BREAKING LAP - 2013 - YouTube    有一天有一個人帶著一條狗到唱片公司,他說他是這條狗的經紀人,並說他這條狗會唱歌跳舞,老闆不相信,就叫小狗表演一次。當音樂響起,小狗跟著音樂載歌載舞,老闆口瞪目呆的看著小狗,一邊想著這一次撿到搖錢樹了,就趕快拿出合同希望與狗簽約,沒想到忽然一條大狗衝進來,把小狗銜走了,老闆SUBSCRIBE to NismoTV: NIsmo.TV Presents... The legendary Nissan GT-R Nismo. Awesome record breaking lap of the Nurburgring - 07:08 mins. Thanks for watching - please like, share and comment! SUBSCRIBE to NismoTV: LI...


Nissan GT-R - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    有一天,老李氣沖沖地去找洗衣店老闆,火冒三丈的說:「你們自己標榜為洗衣大王,看看你們的傑作!」 說著往桌上扔了一條很粗的繩子。 老闆看了看說:「先生,這粗繩很好啊!」 「粗繩?」老李幾乎要爆炸吼道:「我送洗的是條被單!」   The Nissan GT-R is a 2-door 2+2 sports coupé[3] produced by Nissan and first released in Japan in 2007.[4][5][6] It is the successor to the Nissan Skyline GT-R although it is no longer part of the Skyline range....


2014 Nissan GT-R Nismo Nurburgring record lap - YouTube    有對夫妻結婚多年,丈夫總是忘記一些特別的日子, 結婚三十五週年那天,他們在享用早餐時 ,妻子向她先生暗示:「老伴,你知不知道,我們坐在這兩張椅子上已經整整三十五年了?」 丈夫放下報紙,望著老婆說:「妳是不是想跟我換位子?」       Four experienced drivers took turns at the controls of the Nissan GT-R NISMO fitted with track options at the famous track on September 30, two laps of the Nordschleife (North Loop) each. The goal: set the Nürburgring record for the fastest lap by a volum...


Nissan Gtr 2013 Nurburgring Lap Time - 影片搜尋      讀國小的弟弟隔天有羽球課 所以媽媽就幫他把羽球拍放在袋子裡 結果他上體育課拿出來時才發現媽媽幫他帶的是”電蚊拍”~~~      ...


Nissan GT-R (Mk 3) lap times and specs -    「爸爸,」小兒子說,「我今天可不可以留在家裡?我覺得不舒服。」 「你覺得什麼地方不舒服?」爸爸問道。 「學校。」小兒子回答。   Nissan GT-R (Mk 3) lap times specs and picture - ... that's ridiculous. nobody is saying the that the GTR isn't fast. It's just absurd how it got killed by the bentley which has a 4.0L engine, while the GTR has a 3.8L. but the GTR weighs a...


Nissan GT-R - Official Global Site    以前打電話,號碼不像現在用按的,是用手指插進一個有洞的圓盤用撥的。話說從前從前......小明家的電話號碼是444─4444,常常有奇怪的電話打進來.....某天午夜12點的時候:電話響了,小明拿起話筒。電話那頭用淒慘的聲音說:「請問這裡是444─4444嗎?可不可以幫我During testing in 2007, the all-new GT-R created a sensation when it posted an official 7-minute, 38.5-second lap – the fastest lap ever for a production car. But for team GT-R, it was just the beginning. In 2009, the GT-R sent another shock wave through ...
