nissan gtr 2013 nurburgring lap time

NISSAN GT-R NISMO - NURBURGRING RECORD BREAKING LAP - 2013 - YouTube作者:狄仁六個人公眾號:direnliu    01  我這幾天每天都和閨蜜窩在一起。她是一個很重視時間觀念的人,她一天有7、8個鬧鐘,每一個時間做哪個工作,什麼時候開始吃飯,什麼時候上床休息都規劃的規規矩矩。她最討厭的就是遲到啊,或者把大把時間都消耗浪費掉的那些人,不SUBSCRIBE to NismoTV: NIsmo.TV Presents... The legendary Nissan GT-R Nismo. Awesome record breaking lap of the Nurburgring - 07:08 mins. Thanks for watching - please like, share and comment! SUBSCRIBE to NismoTV: LI...


Nissan GT-R - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia內衣居然還能玩得這麼小清新, 也是別有一番情調的……   夏日的海灘     山洞裡,取暖的小人    施工隊正在施工  bra變成了熱氣球  兩座山之間,一座小橋  泳池,跳水,挺逼真的吧 The Nissan GT-R is a 2-door 2+2 sports coupé[3] produced by Nissan and first released in Japan in 2007.[4][5][6] It is the successor to the Nissan Skyline GT-R although it is no longer part of the Skyline range....


2014 Nissan GT-R Nismo Nurburgring record lap - YouTube作者:狄仁六個人公眾號:direnliu   很多人都說,一段感情最美好的時候,是曖昧的時候。 但我不這麼認為, 因為我深知曖昧對一個人的傷害到底有多大, 所以我極度討厭玩曖昧的人。       1.   有一段時間我學畫畫,同畫室有個男孩子很帥,穿Four experienced drivers took turns at the controls of the Nissan GT-R NISMO fitted with track options at the famous track on September 30, two laps of the Nordschleife (North Loop) each. The goal: set the Nürburgring record for the fastest lap by a volum...


Nissan Gtr 2013 Nurburgring Lap Time - 影片搜尋 ▲大家有發現發薪前和發薪後吃的泡麵有什麼不一樣嗎?(source:故宮精品,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~相信大家都有遭遇過發薪前,窮到月底只能吃泡麵的情況,但是剛發薪也要吃泡麵,這是哪招呢?等你看完之後,絕對會認為發薪後吃的這碗泡麵絕對是最霸氣的一餐啊!   ▼很多網友都表...


Nissan GT-R (Mk 3) lap times and specs - FastestLaps.comVolvo於近期發表七人座休旅LSUV-Volvo XC90 T8 Inscription,及Volvo V40 Cross Country T4 AWD 跨界小型休旅,除此之外,今年預計於第三季、第四季分別引進V90/V90 Cross Country 與XC60。Volvo於2017年的總銷售目Nissan GT-R (Mk 3) lap times specs and picture - ... that's ridiculous. nobody is saying the that the GTR isn't fast. It's just absurd how it got killed by the bentley which has a 4.0L engine, while the GTR has a 3.8L. but the GTR weighs a...


Nissan GT-R - Official Global Site三立、東森八點華劇「只為你停留」收視穩定成長,劇中李沛旭演活了愛護家庭的水電工長兄喬師傅,因為角色設定幽默憨厚,也讓李沛旭這次演出擄獲了更多女性觀眾,還有女粉表示「丸蕩惹!我怎麼覺得胖胖的你越看越可愛」,讓李沛旭哭笑不得的說:「我哪是胖呀!」 觀眾覺得李沛旭與小薰演出情感對手戲演的細膩又夠深情,十足During testing in 2007, the all-new GT-R created a sensation when it posted an official 7-minute, 38.5-second lap – the fastest lap ever for a production car. But for team GT-R, it was just the beginning. In 2009, the GT-R sent another shock wave through ...
