2014 Nissan Rogue Mileage - Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG 話說,在線購物簡直是互聯網功能里最偉大的部分之一。。。 尤其因為有了在線拍賣這個東西,你能在網上看到的東西,永遠比你剁手的範圍還大出好幾個銀河系。 比如去年腐國前首相卡梅倫被爆出逃稅醜聞的時候,一個腐國漢子一氣之下就把他丟到ebay拍賣了。。。 寶貝狀態:「不是很好用,需要返廠」 在被官方撤掉之前A simple & effecive way to track fuel consumption Easy to understand the real cost of your vehicle Benefits It's free of course! Get an accurate view of your vehicles fuel economy Compare your vehicle to others with the same vehicle...