BIOS NO CA FOUND (DM800se SIM2.10) - InfoServ 示意圖:我的少女時代 很多女人常說男人的話不能信,誰都能靠的住,就是男人靠不住之類的話,很可悲,只能說你沒有遇到好男人,或者說,根本不了解男人。一個男人如果真的愛你的話,就一定會做出下面這些事: 一、願意為你掏錢。 錢,在感情生活中不是最重要的,但是是必須的。一個男人如果是真的愛你的話,就不會為你SUNRAY FlashUP Clone upload waiting for compleated acknowlege on disply ERR1:NO CA Found I do not know what it is what the problem is hardware not think it was just a problem in the software and the card may be corrupted if any other ideas thanks trying ....