Big Daddy's Moist Chocolate Cake -No Egg - Recipe - Cooks.com一張「聽說最近很流行球衣」的照片在網路上瘋傳,很多網友看後大呼:太敢穿了!但不知道這位正妹是誰....... 但最後還是有人神到了! 更多球衣正妹的照片 ㄍㄥ 更多加碼. 你最喜歡哪種stPreheat oven to 350 F. Place flour into mixing bowl, add cocoa, baking soda, sugar and salt and mix well. Make three deep holes in the dry mixture. Into one, pour the oil, into the next, pour the vinegar into the next, then pour the vanilla. Pour the wate...