56K被女友嫌窮墮胎 24歲男霸氣一句話:「在台灣OOO」
Blatant Lies - TV Tropes臉書粉絲團「靠北女友」16日出現一篇熱門文章,一名男網友指出,他現年24歲,月賺56K,女友卻嫌他窮,不肯結婚,甚至懷孕了還偷偷把孩子流產,讓他只能感嘆,「只好放生妳了,在台灣我真的養不起妳。」網友看了紛紛留言,「好可憐遇錯人,你值得更好的」還有許多女網友毛遂自薦,「帥哥缺女友嗎?」... 示意圖來This page is blank! There's nothing to see! Nothing at all! So one of the characters has a secret, one that they do not want leaking out. Unfortunately, Clark Kenting doesn't always cut it, and some aspect of the secret is going to be glaringly obvious no...