no idea either

Blatant Lies - TV Tropes臉書粉絲團「靠北女友」16日出現一篇熱門文章,一名男網友指出,他現年24歲,月賺56K,女友卻嫌他窮,不肯結婚,甚至懷孕了還偷偷把孩子流產,讓他只能感嘆,「只好放生妳了,在台灣我真的養不起妳。」網友看了紛紛留言,「好可憐遇錯人,你值得更好的」還有許多女網友毛遂自薦,「帥哥缺女友嗎?」... 示意圖來This page is blank! There's nothing to see! Nothing at all! So one of the characters has a secret, one that they do not want leaking out. Unfortunately, Clark Kenting doesn't always cut it, and some aspect of the secret is going to be glaringly obvious no...


Go away - 自1998年Audi初代TT發表以來,這款造型流線冷冽的2+2座小跑車,儼然成為Audi旗下操控與科技的全新代言人。而隨著2014日內瓦發表全新第3代TT亮相,國內就不斷傳出上市相關風聲,《一手車訊》編輯部獨家掌握到全新Audi TT上市資訊,包含價格、車型、動力底盤,提供車迷朋友第一手的市場快報This site contains none of your business. You do not have permission to access the content and if you do so you agree to waive all rights. ... That's not how it works I'm not sure how to make this any clearer. You do not have permission to promote your bo...


Felix Salmon - Analysis & Opinion | Reuters【蔡書銘/報導】今年圓石灘車展BMW特別忙碌,除了讓M4 GTS概念車型曝光之外,也在此時發表BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage R賽車,歡慶12H耐久賽事奪冠40週年。 1975年,BMW 3.0 CSL於北美Sebring 12H耐久賽中拿下第一場勝利,而2015年正好是40週年,BMW為了No Exit, the new book from Gideon Lewis-Kraus, should be required reading for anybody who thinks it might be a good idea to found a startup in Silicon Valley. It shows just how miserable the startup founder’s life is, and raises the question of why anybod...


Does the "No Poo Method" Damage Hair? - Empowered Sustenance - Eat well and heal!™___McLaren羽量級車系570S抵台亮相,總代理永三汽車宣布570S台灣售價1168萬元起,540C台灣售價988萬元起,正式啟動跑車市場黑天鵝效應 ___顛覆跑車級距的碳纖維科技應用,結合頂尖空氣力學與跨時代工藝設計,570S科技型格與復古優雅並陳,全新Sports Series車系更將McThe No Poo Method promises silky hair without chemicals, but it carries concerns of damaging the scalp and hair. Learn if the no poo method is hair-safe. ... I actually went on the no ‘poo diet and never went back. By no ‘poo, I mean not washing my hair o...


Halloween Costume Ideas from the Costume Idea Zone 圖翻攝自臉書 藝人張家輝前幾天在臉書PO文,他上傳一張臉部疑似燙傷的照片,難過的說:「如果有一天我變成這樣,什麼都沒有的話,肯留在你身邊的人才是真的愛你!」   原文如下: 如果有一天我變成這樣什麼都沒有的時候還願意留下陪你的才是真愛男人肯願意花在愛人的身上買最好的給喜歡的人不是他蠢而是Deal or No Deal The show host (Howie Mandel) wears a black suit with a purple shirt, a bald cap, and a soul patch. Models wear matching dresses and carry metal briefcases with numbers on them (fake briefcases can be made out of silver-painted cardboard). ...
