Blatant Lies - TV Tropes ▲太超過了!(source: youtube截圖,以下同) 大家好我是云編~ 有看過日綜的人應該知道有些日綜的口味真的超級重,而且日綜又分成白天檔跟深夜檔,許多深夜的節目真的是遊走尺度邊緣,雖然沒有露點也沒有真的限制級的內容,可是就是讓人看得好害羞,有時候編編也是很佩服這些日綜的編劇This page is blank! There's nothing to see! Nothing at all! So one of the characters has a secret, one that they do not want leaking out. Unfortunately, Clark Kenting doesn't always cut it, and some aspect of the secret is going to be glaringly obvious no...