nobodys home歌詞

Avril Lavigne - Nobodys Home Lyrics | MetroLyrics       看你變成有錢人的指數Lyrics to 'Nobodys Home' by Avril Lavigne. I couldn't tell you / Why she felt that way / She felt it everyday / And I couldn't help her / I just watched her...


NOBODY'S HOME Lyrics - AVRIL LAVIGNE - - Song Lyrics順便上個網吧!! Avril Lavigne Nobody's Home lyrics & video : Well, I couldn't tell you Why she felt that way She felt it every day And I couldn't help her I just watched her make The same mist......


Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home Lyrics - YouTubeoh ya~~ Avril Lavinge-Nobody's Home Lyrics. Please rate and comment. DISCLAIMER-I DO NOT OWN THE SONG OR THE LYRICS. THE SONG RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO AVRIL LAVINGE AND THE LYRICS WERE FOUND ONLINE....
