Beta apps for Lumia 明星一般經常坐飛機,在機艙睡覺都是舒服的,有的時候站著都能睡著,小編搜羅了一堆明星各種奇葩睡照,開開眼界吧。 1. 一名外籍男子的相冊中爆出了一張Angelababy睡照。照片中只見該女的臉部從縫隙中露出,睡得嘴開開又東倒西歪,這副“不雅睡樣”全被收入鏡頭中,仔細一看,這位At this site you have the opportunity to try out beta versions of apps for Lumia phones before they are commercially released and give feedback to the teams working on them. By participating you agree to this site's terms of use. Try what you like. Say wh...