女人的口是心非 總是對著愛人
Review: Nokia 808 PureView: Digital Photography Review 把黑說成白,把正說成反;把好說成壞,把愛說成恨。有時候女人喜歡耍點小性子,所謂的刀子嘴豆腐心,表面上說的和心裏想的不是一回事,那就是口是心非。女人在她們所在乎的愛人身上,少不了口是心非。再是愚笨之極,女人的口是心非在戀愛的階段都會讓對方捉摸不透。有一首歌詞是這樣描寫女人的心思的:“女孩When the Nokia 808 PureView was announced earlier this year its 41MP camera sensor (for a maximum output resolution of 38MP) made headlines all over the tech industry. Not only does it feature the highest-resolution sensor of any mobile phone camera, but ...