6個「歷史老師不敢告訴你」的成人級冷知識。 5女巫「騎掃把」的起源是女性把木棍插進...
Software update - Microsoft - Global ▲美國前總統你......(source: someecards,以下同) 大家好我是云編~ 大家小時候都上過歷史課,學到了本國史,也學到了外國史,可能還為了考試把年號人名都背到滾瓜爛熟,但我想除非你是歷史系,不然現在應該也把那些資訊都忘光了吧!不過沒關係,今天我們來上一堂「特別」到Free software updates make sure you get the best performance, better battery life, new features out of your phone, and always have the latest versions of apps and services. ... Nokia Asha 230, Nokia Asha 230 Dual SIM, Nokia Asha 500, Asha 500 Dual SIM, As...