Nokia X Dual SIM - Affordable dual SIM smartphone with Android™ apps - Nokia小明洗澡時不小心吞下一小塊肥皂,他的媽媽慌慌張張地打電話向家庭醫生求助。醫生說:「我現在還有幾個病人在,可能要半小時後才能趕過去。」小明媽媽說:「在你來之前,我該做甚麼?」醫生說:「給小明喝一杯白開水,然後用力跳一跳,你就可以讓小明用嘴巴吹泡泡消磨時間了。」It's here! The New Affordable Nokia X Dual SIM smartphone. Now you can Access hundreds of thousands of Android apps. Go! With Nokia X, see it here. ... There's a new update for the Nokia X that brings performance improvements and enhanced usability. You ....