nolan gerard funk

Nolan Gerard Funk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia看了這個……保證整天心情都很好~我只能說…這位櫃台小姐真的粉有自信的大聲說英文!其實,櫃台小姐英文很好,她都聽的懂,而且反應 (Counter / 反擊) 很快耶!櫃台小姐的英語八級考老外 (聽力不錯、辭堪達意、不卑不亢、勇氣十足!)昨天,來了個老外,進到辦Nolan Gerard Funk is a Canadian actor, singer, and dancer, known for portraying Hunter Clarington in the musical comedy-drama television series Glee, Collin Jennings in the comedy-drama television series Awkward, and Conrad Birdie in the 2009 Broadway rev...


Nolan Gerard Funk - IMDb有三個小孩在比誰的爸爸比較快! 第一個小孩說:「我爸最快了!他可以在桌上的咖啡杯掉到地上前把杯子接住。」 第二個小孩說:「我爸爸才快呢!他去打獵,在五十公尺外射中一頭鹿。在鹿倒地前他可以衝上去扶住!」 第三個小孩說:「那算什麼?我阿爸是公務員,每天下午五點下班,他四點半Actor: X2 (2003) · House at the End of the Street (2012) · Riddick (2013) · Deadgirl (2008). Born: 1986 in Canada...


Whistle - GLEE (Nolan Gerard Funk) - YouTube有一天,一名大學教授到一個落後鄉村游山玩水,他僱了一艘小船遊江,當船開動後教授問船夫:『你會數學嗎?』船夫回答:『先生,我不會。』教授又問船夫:『你會物理嗎?』船夫回答:『物理?我不會。』教授又問船夫:『那你會用電腦嗎?』船夫回答:『對不起,我不會。』教授聽後搖搖頭說道﹕『你不會數學,人生目的已失去All content in this video belongs to FOX. Nolan performing Whistle on GLEE! (Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets)...


Nolan Gerard Funk - Glee Wiki令布希頭痛的胡主席的姓 George: Condi! Nice to see you。 What's happening?布希: 康迪(賴斯)! 很高興見到你,發生什麼事情了? Condi: Sir, I have the report about the new leader Nolan Gerard Funk, born July 28, 1986, is a Canadian actor, Broadway performer, recording... ... Nolan Gerard Funk, born July 28, 1986, is a Canadian actor, Broadway performer, recording artist, and dancer best known. He is known for his role as Nikko Ale...


Report: Nolan Gerard Funk was a Go-Go Dancer at a Gay Club - The Hollywood Gossip我鄰居家那娃兒…有時候腦挺殘的…但是大多數時候~人還是挺好的!高一時是同班,班主任周XX是一個猥瑣的老男人,班上狠多女生都被他借機揩過油…大家都是敢怒不敢言…可是…某日中午,GG照常在某網吧上網,某網吧是我校學生聚集地&helliAnd now it's time for our Nolan Gerard Funk penis update of the day. While Nickeloden is hoping this young star helps the network's upcoming High School Musical rip-off, Spectacular!, go-go to the top of the ratings chart, a new report indicates that Funk...


A Tribute to Nolan Gerard Funk- The Blame - YouTube警車追逐一輛超速又橫衝直撞的小客車,終於追到路邊給攔了下來!警察:「先生,你開那麼快,知道要被罰多少錢嗎?這些錢能用來做多少事,你知 道 嗎?」駕駛:「我知道,它夠讓我去補習考駕照了!」警察:「什麼!你無照駕駛?」 就在爭論的時候,駕駛的老婆趕緊下車﹏﹏﹏老婆:「長官,抱歉抱歉,他就是這樣,喝了點酒Tribute to Actor#37- Nolan Gerard Funk, Canadian actor Song by Gina Cutillo, The Blame If you wish to know what clips I used or anything else, ask me. Share in the comments on what makes you a Nolan Fan! More Info on Nolan's acting projects:
