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davidkawena (Not That Kind Of Guy...) - DeviantArt  經歷了一周的休刊,《海賊王》漫畫第790話正式版終於更新!和上一話一樣,第790話的信息量同樣非常大——醒來的魯夫再次爆發出四檔的威力,和明哥正面對決! 魯夫的歸來,讓德島民眾感受到了希望,也讓明哥的憤怒爆發到了極點。同樣傷痕累累的二人,再次爆發出了戰鬥&mdathesilverdoe91 I love all your artwork! you're such a pro...everything you do is absolutely stunning! Could you please do an illustration of Gale or Peeta from the Hunger Games Books? I know thats not disney but it's close enough Also are you Israeli?...


Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES - YouTube好比維多利亞的秘密Victoria's Secret大秀,讓男人們每年期待的大事,少不了倍耐力Pirelli推出的時尚性感月曆(Pirelli Calendar),這個陪伴各位長達半世紀的養眼年曆,為了歡慶50周年,除了去年曾找來米蘭達可兒Miranda Kerr、亞歷珊卓安布羅休AlessandrSo what if they don´t know how many sides a triangle has? Or who Tony Blair is? That's not fair...if you still think american people are stupid, watch this video and change your mind :)...


Chad Vader : Day Shift Manager - A Galaxy Not So Far Away : S1 Ep1 - YouTube有鑑於台灣的男生越來越注重保養之塊〈小編謎之音:就算是男生也想愛美啊~〉,現在許多品牌都推出了男士專屬的保養品系列,不論是使用的成分、強調極簡化的訴求、甚至就連添加的香味都是男生限定!想要細心呵護你的面子問題,以後再也不用偷翻女友的化妝台了~自己買全套打包回家,每天都能輕鬆保養你的帥氣臉蛋ლ(・&oCHAD VADER SEASON 3 DVD IS OUT! Take a look: Chad's on Facebook: --Life is hard when you're Darth Vader's less-talented, less-charismatic younger brother and you manage a grocery...


Not Without Salt - “Where would we be without salt?” - James Beard紐約街頭出現了一個真實版女浩克收費員! 一名違規停車的民眾不願意把車移走,還飆髒話! 這個時候!女收費員居然徒手把車子抬起來!!眾人嚇傻! ↓她就是女浩克!正在警告民眾此路段不可亂停車! ↓民眾傻眼!!車子在上升!發生什麼事?! ↓Oh!My God!這真是太神奇了!車Permalink Happy Birth-Day, Date Night In Today is the day that makes the book officially a full-fledged book; it’s publication day. I’m not quite sure what I expected this day to feel like but so far it feels very normal. I’m still in my pajamas sitting o...


Emergency Contraception只有矮子才懂!!!高個子的通通滾開!!!(拭淚...) 洗衣機沒事這麼深幹嘛?! 放那麼高是想整誰?! 沒看過人站在櫃子上嗎 不要把你的手放在我頭上拉(白眼)   褲子一定要做這麼長嗎?   ..... 冰箱這麼高是想怎樣 我就是碰不到地... viaThe Emergency Contraception Website is to increase women's knowledge about and timely access to emergency contraception and other reproductive health choices, both in the United States and abroad. We accomplish this mission by: Providing accurate ......


NOTCOT拍照時被人亂入是一件非常讓人惱怒的事...但如果亂入的是這些,沒笑的人你要去看醫生了喔!!! 拍照時被搶鏡無疑是一件讓人非常惱火的事,但如果搶鏡的是可愛的動物,效果可能會完全不同。下面這些動物們完全發揮了自己的搶鏡能力,成為了照片的主角,看起來非常搞笑。它們也許不是故意的,但是出現的時間和地點卻恰到design blog, filtration, design, aesthetics, ideas, amusement, art, illustration, trendspotting, culture, wearable, tech, playful, home and decor, food and drink, gratis, photo blog, book review, music reviews, photography, Flash, interactive, web site de...
