Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements | Annals of Internal Medicin@words by 尤物USEXY雜誌 @photos by 馬壅 @styling by 許宜惠 @引言:雖然我的外表很陽光,但是我的內心一直很嚮往浪漫。巴黎給人家很浪漫的感覺,而且每個女人心裡,總是住著一個小公主呀! @內文: 棒球對於台灣人而言,是一項意義非凡的運動,從去年的20Three articles in this issue address the role of vitamin and mineral supplements for preventing the occurrence or progression of chronic diseases. First, Fortmann and colleagues (1) systematically reviewed trial evidence to update the U.S. Preventive Serv...