這7個大人的「羞恥小秘密被抓包」,最尷尬的時刻立刻被另一半拍下! 4 丈夫在直播遊戲時有怪異癖好?!
TP-LINK Archer C9 Wireless AC1900 Dual Band Gigabit Router - Newegg.com ▲大人最尷尬的小秘密被一半抓包。(source : boredpanda,下同) 大家好我是皮耶編,在我們變成大人之後,很多事情就不能像還是小孩子時一樣,想要幹什麼都行,甚至有些事情身為大人做就會顯得幼稚。根據boredpanda報導,以下就有7個大人長大後還保有小孩子個性,做出一些Pros: Looks nice. Fast speeds on all my devices. Works Cons: Took some time to get set up, and after setting it up, my HTPC started acting up and hasn't worked right since. Not sure if it's the fault of the router or not, but the timing suggests maybe? No...