meggipeg: Refashion two tight t-shirts into one flowing top原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 說真的這年頭把漫畫跟小說作品 翻拍成電影或是電視劇真的不是什麼稀奇的事情了(´・_・`) 稀奇的是要拍的超好看啊(對不起喵妹正在吐槽) 最近讓喵妹注意到的正是一部叫做”火星異種”的漫畫被拍成真人電影了 這部作品一開始因為好奇有問過朋友Now we are going to work on the inserts. My tank (below) was made with a double layer of fabric so I had more fabric than it looks like here. Make sure you have enough to cut four triangles and two pockets (if adding pockets). Also remember that the great...