meggipeg: Refashion two tight t-shirts into one flowing top法國起泡酒你知道多少? 忘不了世界各大運動大賽上冠軍們豪灑手中香檳的情景,也忘不了婚慶場所新人攜手舉杯時的喜悅,更忘不了各大晚會現場觥籌交錯間的歡聲笑語,在這些歡慶的時刻,香檳的身影頻頻閃現,似乎提醒著人們她才是“酒會之王,高貴之後”。然而,香檳的高貴往往令很多Now we are going to work on the inserts. My tank (below) was made with a double layer of fabric so I had more fabric than it looks like here. Make sure you have enough to cut four triangles and two pockets (if adding pockets). Also remember that the great...