not one less

365 Less Things — Reducing our stuff one day at a time.其實找到對的人來說比年齡或能力什么都還重要,如果能力年齡都很速配,但是卻不夠愛對方,那么再好的條件也是枉然。很明顯前女友就是想趁機酸一下男生"老牛吃嫩草"的感覺(但這應該還好才差7歲,根本小case)女生聽了一定會難過的,還好男生也沒有讓女友失望!--------------------------Reducing our stuff one day at a time. ... How much space is taken up in your home with clutter from the person you once were. Do you still have… Sports equipment the will never be used again....


After Ferguson, Race Deserves More Attention, Not Less - The New York Times --------------------------------Dcard原文:我和男友是高中同學上了大學才在一起的 不過很低調只有特別有聯絡的同學知道我們的事前陣子高中園遊會 班長約大家回去結束後我們一起去吃火鍋回家前 大家在店門口小聊了一下班上一個身高150的女同學忽然對180的男友說「啊啊好• Black students are significantly less likely to attend schools offering advanced math and science courses than white students. They are three times as likely to be suspended and expelled, setting them up for educational failure. • Because of the catastr...


Majority of U.S. Employees Not Engaged Despite Gains in 2014 ------------------------------------靠北男友原文:文長~~~~~~~~~~~~我要靠北我男朋友別說一壘了,連打擊區都沒站上。什麼接吻、牽手、擁抱;通通沒有。交往了1年10個多月,同居了5個多月。(同居是姊妹們提議的,還拍胸脯保證這招一定有效)什麼肢體接觸都沒有!WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Less than one-third (31.5%) of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014. The average is up nearly two percentage points from 29.6% in 2013 and represents the highest reading since 2000, when Gallup first began tracking the ......


What’s the Matter With Polling? - The New York Times年關將至,大家用力賺錢就是為了等待能夠拿個紅包回家孝敬父母對吧?小編真心想問:不曉得各位都是什麼時候開始包紅包的呢?相信大部分的人都是在工作之後,才會包紅包給家中長輩。不過現在卻有個女網友上《靠北男友》投稿,講到了男友打算帶她回家見父母,想當然爾聽到這裡女孩兒都是興奮而且雀躍的,卻沒想到男友接著說:So what’s the solution for election polling? There isn’t one. Our old paradigm has broken down, and we haven’t figured out how to replace it. Political polling has gotten less accurate as a result, and it’s not going to be fixed in time for 2016. We’ll ha...


Go forth and multiply a lot less | The Economist原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹    看到這個消息真的讓喵妹久久不能自我(拭淚)  又開心又感到有股淡淡哀傷…. 萌友們應該也有不少是動畫LoveLive!中μ’s的粉絲吧! μ’s在LoveLive!中是由一群為了守護自But the switch from one to the other produces a Goldilocks generation. Because fertility is falling, there are relatively few children. Because of high mortality earlier, there are relatively few grandparents. Instead, countries have a bulge of working-ag...


In U.S., 40% Get Less Than Recommended Amount of Sleep  受人幫助向對方道謝是天經地義的事情,但若是對象是自己最親密的另一半,對於生活中的瑣事仍一直道謝,可能會較容易讓彼此有些疏離感,而民眾對另一半因小事一直道謝是否會感到不自在?Pollster波仕特線上市調網於2015/11/9(一)針對民眾對「另一半為小事道謝」之議題進行調查。 「請問您Twenty-two percent of Democrats say Hillary Clinton would be a great president if elected, similar to the 19% of Republicans who say the same about Donald Trump. Most Americans are positive about at least one presidential candidate....
