NYC to Donald Trump: He's not one of us - CNNPolitics.com一位雜誌記者看了我寫的「不能嫁的男人」系列文章,覺得很有趣,剛好下一期要做一個婚姻專題,於是打電話來聊聊夫妻間的溝通問題。 「為什麼先生都不聽太太講心事?能不能不要不耐煩?不要急著解決問題,聽就好?」她問。 我先告訴她,我不是婚姻專家,聽聽就好,不負言責。婚姻沒有專家啦,所謂專家只是婚姻還沒出事,或Trump is dominating the polls with a double-digit lead over his rivals, Ted Cruz and John Kasich. The billionaire could pick up close to all of the 95 delegates at ... Czech Republic – Clearly not content with being known just as the birthplace of the fir...