not very well

xkcd: Correlation 剛當上爸爸的老外 Al Ferguson ,請攝影師拍攝與小孩的親密合照當作紀念,沒想到在拍攝途中,小嬰兒卻開始噴屎了,正當大家手足無措之餘,攝影師發揮本能按下了快門,記錄下了這個相當珍貴的瞬間,相信會比正常的合照還更具紀念意義阿,真是甜蜜的負荷阿。 不誇張,真得是用噴的阿。。。就連噴射軌跡也拍的BTC 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey We did not invent the algorithm. The algorithm consistently finds Jesus. The algorithm killed Jeeves. The algorithm is banned in China. The algorithm is from Jersey. The algorithm constantly finds Jesus. This is not ...


xkcd: Python 藝術家創作的方式相當多元,先前本站有介紹利用自己血液作為創作的藝術家,但這位 27 歲的美女畫家 Millie Brown 也不惶多讓,創作方式竟然是嘔吐,利用加入顏料富有色彩的牛奶,喝入後隨即催吐,吐出一幅幅相當抽象的作品,如此令人作嘔的創作方式,就連女神卡卡也欣賞阿,一同在影片之中合Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced ... BTC 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey We did not invent the algorithm. The ......


Watchmen (2009) - Rotten Tomatoes 俄羅斯向來「戰鬥民族」之稱,原本編輯覺得不一定如此,但最近在YouTube上點閱人數即將破七百萬的影片,證明了連「卡通角色」在這個國家中都更為兇猛!一起來看下去便知道。 影片中一輛小型廂型車突然停下,然後一系列莫名其妙的事就這麼發生…一群卡通角色,包括海綿寶寶、米老鼠等「紅牌人物」在Gritty and visually striking, Watchmen is a faithful adaptation of Alan Moore\'s graphic novel, but its complex narrative structure may make it difficult for it to appeal to viewers not already familiar with the source material....


Rampant - definition of rampant by The Free Dictionary tumblr用户 Leeeeeeeeeegooooooooolaaaaaaaaas 和 Nerdwegian 號稱有 PS 大神之稱,他們的興趣不是把肉肉的大腿修掉,更不是讓影像變得更美麗,他們做的事情更瘋狂、更有搞頭,也更吸睛。 是的,所有男性們注意了,這兩位 PS 大神不只是超級英雄He did his best and did it manfully, but I don't think he found that a pair of rampant boys, a pipe, or even the divine Plato, were very satisfactory substitutes for wife ... The growth of the garden seemed to have got quite out of bounds; the weeds had t...


Canuck Dogs: Your source for Canadian dog event information online.網路上的流傳的照片常讓編輯覺得匪夷所思,雖然都很有「震撼力」,但這些照片還是讓人忍不住看第二次,才會明白其中發生什麼事阿!(雖然有部分依舊不懂…) 開車到一半遇到這個狀況,你會? 這究竟是PS大神之作,還是借位…? 乍看之下嚇了一跳! 這這這…真的要多看兩眼Dog fanciers can quickly find Canadian dog event information. Dog show results and statistics available for every CKC conformation show in Canada. ... Canuck Dogs provides current event information for many dog events in Canada as well as results for Cana...


Effectiveness of Acupuncture as Adjunctive Therapy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Randomized, Cont 小編:我不懂!!!!求解?!?!The study of Berman et al. is one of several that examines the role acupuncture might play in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Whilst the study is very impressive in many aspects, there are a few points that should be discussed when evaluating it: The sha...
