Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. Note 2 AnTuTu Benchmark test - YouTube 這篇男人話題女人就別點了...不喜.......勿入 1嘴上抹幾千塊錢的高級口紅 去把臭烘烘的臭豆腐塞進去 2看見電視上有人踩貓掉下幾滴眼淚 吃起野味比誰夾的都快 3一邊痛罵男人沒一個好東西 一邊跟網路上的野哥哥打情罵俏 4看看別的女人高聳的胸部心裡直罵騷狐狸 一邊再出門In this video we are having a benchmark VS. race between the SGS3 and the Note2 using AnTuTU • SUBSCRIBE US http://goo.gl/bNM7r If you like this video please rate it thumbs up & feel free to share it ----- --- -- - Our aSHOP • http://pockethype.net/shop.h...