Download the Xiaomi Mi Note wallpapers for your viewing pleasure水電工與蛋糕師父 發表時間 : 2008/08/16 21:21 看回應 有一對夫妻,老公正看著電視,啃著瓜子 忽然間老婆從廚房喊著:「老公可不可以幫我修電燈? 」 老公不耐煩的說: 「我又不是水電工」 沒多久老婆又喊:「老公可不可以幫我修冰箱?」&Hunting new wallpapers today? You're in luck - a fellow hunter told is the whereabouts of a pack of stock Xiaomi Mi Note wallpapers! We regrouped, followed their trail, and before long, we were posing triumphantly with our trophies......