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IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 說明你曾經被用哪種方式告白過?或是你曾經用這些方式跟人告白嗎??小心用錯方法可是會...很慘喔!! 有時候想耍浪漫還耍不了...!!記得告白要先看看對方的個性啊!!!不然鑽戒就這樣被吃下去也是有可能啊... via說明 您探索 Lotus Notes 時可使用說明。按 F1 (Macintosh OS X 使用者:按 Command+Shift+?,Linux 使用者:按 Ctrl+F1) 以開啟上下文相關說明。按 F1 時,內容相關說明會對您正在執行的作業,開啟相關的主題清單。...


IBM Notes and Domino wiki: Upgrade Cookbooks: Page 3: Deploying Notes 8.5.x clients viaFeature comparison of IBM Notes 9.0 & IBM iNotes 9.0 body br p This article provides a sidebyside listing of new features available in both or in either IBM Notes 9.0 and IBM iNotes 9.0. For more details on the features listed and additional related infor...


【下載】Lotus Notes 8.5.1:::iThome Download-你要的軟體在這裡:::這種朋友,才是真朋友啊!!! 酒真的不要喝太多... viaLotus Notes是一套全球知名的通訊協同工作與Internet/Intranet平台。它擁有完善的工作流程控制、數據庫複製技術和安全機制功能。適合處理各種非結構化與半結構化的文件數據,可以建立完善的工作流程、Web的應用等。支援非結構化信息的管理和共享與 ......


IBM - Messaging and collaboration - IBM - United States人...不可貌相!!!! viaWhat's New IBM Notes and Domino 9.0.1 now available. Energize life's work with IBM Notes and Domino 9.0.1. The latest version of the Notes and Domino 9 Social Edition delivers enhanced value to power social businesses with improved collaboration, mobile a...


IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2 System Requirements - United States到底為什麼要感謝曾經傷害過我們的人?! 超級有同感!!!!!! viaThis document provides minimum system requirements for IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2. ... Feature Requirement Disk Space Minimum of 500 MB of free disk space for database and log files. Memory The Lotus Notes Traveler server requires .....


IBM Notes and Domino wiki: Domino upgrade: Upgrade Process and Steps for Moving to Domino / Notes 9. viaSocial business wiki for IBM Notes/Domino product documentation and community content ... Upgrade Process and Steps for Moving to Domino / Notes 9.0 Overview of the process to review the General Steps for upgrading existing 8.5.X servers to Domino Notes 9...
