Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report | DisplaySearch 有些人都曾有性幻想的經驗,甚至可能成為打發時間的樂趣之一。據鳳凰網一份報導指出,男女各有5大最熱門的性幻想場景,以慰藉寂寞的心靈。 女人最愛的性幻想場景: 1. 在浴室裡、沖澡時和男人纏綿。2. 與赤裸著上身、散發男Track mobile PC segments by tablet PC, notebook PC, mini-notes and more This report delivers insightful worldwide and regional mobile PC market research and comprehensive shipment, revenue and forecast data for the entire range of mobile PCs. DisplaySearc...