Platoon Stores - Platoon Stores - Rochester (示意圖) 網友在踢踢踢西斯版分享了自己去按摩卻誤入暗黑按摩店的經驗.... 原文如下: 空巴挖各位 故事發生在前幾天 小弟真人真事 現在回想起來真是讓人不禁寒毛而立 畢竟身為一個現代低頭族 肩頸跟腰部很容易痠痛 我自己是有一到兩個月會去一次全身精油按摩的習慣 按完真的很放鬆很舒服 Welcome to Platoon Stores Thank you for visiting our website, Platoon Stores is not just a virtual online shop, we are a real shop situated in Rochester, Kent. Since 2006 we have strived to supply only the best outdoor and tactical clothing and equipment ...