為何小智的「綠ㄥ帽子」不見了?90 的人都不知道!沒想到那頂帽子的背後竟然...太有意義了!
Contributed Code - Nsnam 圖翻攝自dcard.tw halboor.com 下同 寶可夢熱潮持續不退,無論大人小孩台灣各地區幾乎人人都會在路上抓神奇寶貝!更令人吃驚的是,近期還帶起了最新動畫「XY版」的收視率,不過當眾人看到小智時都很納悶,為什麼他當初那麼愛惜自己的帽子,如今帽子卻換了呢? This wiki page contains pointers to ns code that is maintained by users and that has not been incorporated into the ns distributions. Please contact code authors for details about these modules; we don't maintain them and may not have tried them out....