Category:NSA-210 - NAS-Central Zyxel Wiki有一天...小明家裡面宴客...來了許多的客人... 小明的媽媽準備了一隻烤乳豬,準備招待大家...... 小明的媽媽突然想到有點事情要辦,於是交代小明... 「小明啊,10分鐘之後把烤乳豬從烤箱裡拿出來放到桌上啊!」 小明答應了...媽媽也就出門辦事去了..Information The Zyxel NSA-210 is a one bay NAS device with digital media functionality. It takes a user installed SATA disk of up to 2 TB and includes support for iTunes, BitTorrent, UPNP, print server and many other features in the Zyxel firmware. Suppor...