屁孩就是狂!6個「網路上爆紅還自以為很屌」的屁孩! 5 自稱男神的「屁孩自拍」讓我笑了整天!
Feds start building case against NSA leaker - CNN.com ▲現在的屁孩都很狂,每位都讓人笑得不要不要的。(source:hahasharing,下同) 現在的小孩子參與社交,都會產生一套自有的應對模式,尤其在網路上來來去去,竟也有不少屁孩留下了「超狂的宣言和自拍」真是讓人超級傻眼XD 根據hahasharing整理出的6個屁孩「自以為超狂」The man behind the NSA surveillance leak waited out his fate in a Hong Kong hotel room Monday as a likely criminal investigation brewed. ... Notable leakers and whistle-blowers – Military analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked the 7,000-page Pentagon Papers in 19...