nsa leak

Feds start building case against NSA leaker - CNN.com律師:「你認識這相片上的人嗎?」大雄:「那個人是我。」律師:「拍照時你在場嗎?」大雄:「..........」>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>律師:「妳知道妳懷孕多久了嗎?」靜香:「到十一月八日就有三個月了。」律師:「那麼妳是在八月八日受孕的?」靜香:「是的。」律師:「那個時候妳在做什麼?The man behind the NSA surveillance leak waited out his fate in a Hong Kong hotel room Monday as a likely criminal investigation brewed. ... Notable leakers and whistle-blowers – Military analyst Daniel Ellsberg leaked the 7,000-page Pentagon Papers in 19...


NSA leaks — RT Trends夠絕情的兩封信~~親愛的丈夫: 經過我詳細的考慮, 我認為我都是離開你比較好. 我們一起己經七年了, 七年來我自問盡力做一個好太太. 昨日我剛剛收到你公司的來電, 得知你己離職的消息. 老實說, 我對你的將來有一點擔憂. 上星期, 我去剪了一個新髮型, 煮了一New NSA leak reveals scope of agency's war against crypto The National Security Agency boasts the ability to compromise computer protocols meant to encrypt private internet data, leaked documents have revealed. But the NSA has fallen short of totally 29.1...


NSA Leak: Spying on Bahamas, Mexico, Kenya, the Philippines, and [Redacted] SOMALGET, MYSTIC | USNEW一名年輕人應徵機場塔台的工作,他通過了前面考試後,最後一關是口試。考官:「有一架飛機準備降落,你從望遠鏡裡發現他的起落架沒有放,你會怎麼辦?」考生:「我會立刻用無線電警告他。」考官:「如果他沒有回答呢?」考生:「我會立刻取出信號燈,發送『危險!不得降落』訊號。」考官:「可是他還是繼續下降。」考生:「NSA Spying on Bahamas Mexico Kenya Philippines &? (Unknown) Among many others. WikiLeaks Threatens to Reveal Name of Redacted Country in New NSA Leak The Intercept has explained that it won’t give this last name because it could lead to increased ......


Edward Snowden Nsa Leak - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post我的妻子是一位小學老師,帶小學三年級的思想品德課。這天她給某班的同學出了一道題:「沒人的時候你做過什麼壞事」,並且表示,寫的最好的最真實的將得到一枝鋼筆的獎勵!卷子收上來以後,妻得到了好多答案,下面我摘幾條,供大家欣賞。「我在XXX家的牆上,寫過XXX王八蛋,因為他罵過我。」「我在我們家的樓下扎過XRead More: Edward Snowden Asylum, Politics News, Video, Nsa Surveillance, Edward Snowden, Edward Snowden Nsa Leak, Edward Snowden Leak, Nsa Leaks, Nsa Phone Records, National Security Agency, Nsa Leaker, Edward Snowden Case, NSA Leak, ......


Nsa Leaks - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post有一個印度故事,是講一顆糖果去天堂見上帝,它跟上帝抱怨說:「親愛的上帝,我那麼甜、那麼好,不但遵守戒律,又一直都在打坐。」是啊!糖果一向都「坐」在桌上,無所事事。它說它從不曾傷害過任何人。「不過每個人一靠近我,就想把我吃掉,連螞蟻、蒼蠅也不例外,為什麼?我犯了什麼錯?難道因果法律已經蕩然無存了嗎?」... , Edward-Snowden-Accomplices, Mike Rogers Nsa, Mike Rogers Prosecute Journalists, Nsa Leaks, James Clapper Edward Snowden, Nsa-Leak-Prosecution, Mike Rogers Edward Snowden, Politics News House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) ......


NSA leak shows effort to exploit cell networks around the world — RT USA一位著名的醫生同熟人聊天時說:「我給人治病已經有30年了。在這期間,我給他們開過各式各樣的處方,然而最終我得出結論:醫治人們各種疾病的最佳良藥是愛情。」 「要是這也不奏效呢?」 「那就把劑量加大一倍。」醫生回答。兒子:爸爸,「007」是什麼意思?父親:那是地下工作者專用的代號。兒Collecting the call records of millions of Americans is nothing compared to the latest revelation about the National Security Agency. According to documents published on Thursday, the NSA is working to exploit every cell phone network on Earth. Classified...
