nsa leaks

The NSA files | The Guardian   圖翻攝自livedoor.4 下同 市面上有許多動面翻拍成真人電影的案例,成功跟崩壞的例子都不少!就是因為這些經典動漫人物受到大家的喜愛才會有導演願意做這樣的嘗試。這次不用等到導演翻拍真人版電影,就有一位叫做 Satriyo Budhi 的網友把腦筋動到航海王上,因為在航海• NSA and GCHQ unlock encryption used to protect emails, banking and medical records • $250m-a-year US program works covertly with tech companies to insert weaknesses into products • Security experts say programs 'undermine the fabric of the internet...


NSA Leaks | Al Jazeera America (圖文來源)     小時候,殺了妹妹,扔在了井裏。 然後第二天去看屍體,卻發現……屍體不見了。5年後,與一個朋友吵架,殺了他,然後又扔到那個井裏。然後第二天去看屍體,但……屍體又不見了。10年後,殺了一個很討厭的同事,又NSA contractors use LinkedIn profiles to cash in on national security Employees and job seekers share surprisingly revealing spy project names in public posts on professional networking site Topics: National Security NSA Leaks NSA Edward Snowden sees ......


Global surveillance disclosures (2013–present) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  我一直很奇怪為什麼世界上還有B罩的以下胸罩存在!,難道真的有人會買嗎!還不如買點海棉一類的墊墊,穿個c罩,也不至於那麼丟人啊!這 天,我陪女友去內衣店打算給她買胸罩,她一下就選中了一條優雅高貴的farmanl!我一邊在試衣間外等她一邊觀察周圍來買胸罩的mm的時候,突然聽到我 旁邊有個女Ongoing news reports in the international media have revealed operational details about the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and its international partners' global surveillance[1] of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens. The reports mostly eman...


Edward Snowden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia                     示意圖(viawww.4908.cn)   父親早早地離開了,小新(化名)和媽媽相依為命,10多年間,他慢慢地成為「父親」,與媽媽裸睡,並且發生了關Edward Joseph "Ed" Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer professional who leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA), starting in June 2013. A former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ...


NSA leak fallout: LIVE UPDATES — RT USA  圖片來源 有網友在DCARD上PO文 前往男友住處之後發現兩組牙刷 男友卻聲稱是自己妹妹的 沒想到隔日卻收到了男友帳號傳來的正宮訊息... 後面的發展這名男子直接悲劇了... 因為原文頗長 在此附上連結 原文dcard網址   你可能還會想看 接吻時「舌頭」靈活的像黑山老妖,Former CIA employee Edward Snowden has carried out one of the biggest leaks in US history, exposing a top-secret NSA surveillance program to the media. Leading tech companies were revealed to be involved in intelligence gathering through PRISM spy tool. R...


NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | US news | theguardian.com何戎主持婚禮時,常引用《聖經》話語鼓勵新婚夫妻,「妻子要成為丈夫的幫助,丈夫是家裡的頭,要用愛來領導家庭。這句話真正的涵意是,你必須要捨棄你自己一半,讓另一半進來,把他的優點變成你的優點,才會變成你們各自的『一』,一個獨特的『一』。」 文/簡秀蓉 攝影/陳弘岱 家屋裡的包容、原諒、成全,從小就要在「In the last five months, the NSA's surveillance practices have been revealed to be a massive international operation, staggering in scope. But how do all of the NSA's programmes ......
