nsa meaning

What does NSA stand for? - Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary精神病人妙語事例1病人A :「怎麼樣?這本書寫得還不錯吧?」病人B:「太好了!真是曠世鉅作。一點廢話都沒有,簡潔有力。不過有一個缺點,就是出場人物太多了!」謢士 :「喂!你們兩個 ...... 快把電話簿放回去。」------------ --------- --------- --------- Rank Abbr. Meaning NSA National Security Agency (US government) NSA National Speakers Association NSA No Strings Attached NSA Naval Support Activity NSA Network Security Appliance (Sonicwall) NSA Notary Signing Agent NSA National Security Advisor...


What does NSA mean? NSA Definition. Meaning of NSA. OnlineSlangDictionary.com年輕漂亮的女士在動物園閑逛著,最後停在猴子籠的前面。她很困惑的問管理員:「今天猴子們都跑到哪兒去了?」「它們回到洞裏去了,小姐,現在正值交配季節。」管理員說道。「假如我丟些花生米進去,它們會出來嗎?」小姐又問道。管理員搔搔頭,說:「我不知道耶!小姐,若換成你,你會出來嗎?」有位仁兄走進一家牙科診所,Link to this slang definition To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. NSA To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. [http://onlineslangdictionary ......


SIGINT Frequently Asked Questions - NSA/CSS律師:「你認識這相片上的人嗎?」大雄:「那個人是我。」律師:「拍照時你在場嗎?」大雄:「..........」>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>律師:「妳知道妳懷孕多久了嗎?」靜香:「到十一月八日就有三個月了。」律師:「那麼妳是在八月八日受孕的?」靜香:「是的。」律師:「那個時候妳在做什麼?National Security Agency Public Information ... What is Signals Intelligence How are the activities of the NSA/CSS regulated and who monitors them What Defines the Intelligence Role of NSA/CSS?...


NSA - Slang/Internet Slang - Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary夠絕情的兩封信~~親愛的丈夫: 經過我詳細的考慮, 我認為我都是離開你比較好. 我們一起己經七年了, 七年來我自問盡力做一個好太太. 昨日我剛剛收到你公司的來電, 得知你己離職的消息. 老實說, 我對你的將來有一點擔憂. 上星期, 我去剪了一個新髮型, 煮了一7 definitions of NSA. Definition of NSA in Slang/Internet Slang. What does NSA stand for? ... The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database All trademarks/service marks referenced on this site are properties of t...


Admissions - New Saint Andrews College一名年輕人應徵機場塔台的工作,他通過了前面考試後,最後一關是口試。考官:「有一架飛機準備降落,你從望遠鏡裡發現他的起落架沒有放,你會怎麼辦?」考生:「我會立刻用無線電警告他。」考官:「如果他沒有回答呢?」考生:「我會立刻取出信號燈,發送『危險!不得降落』訊號。」考官:「可是他還是繼續下降。」考生:「New Saint Andrews College is a close-knit community of leading Christian scholar-teachers and students from diverse Christian backgrounds studying the integration of all knowledge under the lordship of Jesus Christ. Through its time-tested, rigorous appro...


What does NSA stand for? - Abbreviations.com有看到別人也有發類似的,不過以下是我姊跟我說的,不知道有沒有回鍋,跟你們分享一下@@★男:小姐,請問能不能跟你五塊錢?我有急事想打個電話。←(假借幫助來搭訕,很典型)女:不行!男:為什麼?女:因為那五塊錢我要打給我媽,跟她說我見鬼了!男:........★男:小姐,你知道自從第一眼看到你,Looking for the definition of NSA? Find out what is the full meaning of NSA on Abbreviations.com! The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. ... National Security Agency, NSA (noun) the United States cryptologic organiza...
