
NSL | Industrial Safety Training | Lifting & Mechanical Handling Specialists有一個印度故事,是講一顆糖果去天堂見上帝,它跟上帝抱怨說:「親愛的上帝,我那麼甜、那麼好,不但遵守戒律,又一直都在打坐。」是啊!糖果一向都「坐」在桌上,無所事事。它說它從不曾傷害過任何人。「不過每個人一靠近我,就想把我吃掉,連螞蟻、蒼蠅也不例外,為什麼?我犯了什麼錯?難道因果法律已經蕩然無存了嗎?」In today’s difficult economic climate reduced budgets need not mean reduced safety standards in the workplace. NSL’s eLearning is an extremely efficient way to train and learn. We have a full suite of industrial safety awareness courses available to choos...


NSL史上最壞跟最笨的駭客! 我稍微粗略翻譯了全文對話~ 真的是太好笑了!~~ 翻譯中好幾次都笑到沒法打字~~~翻譯如下~ 如有不順之處~ 還望各位網友海涵~~~人物:: 判斷應為 IRC 交談室 #stopHipHop 的 Builder: 號稱"厲害"的"駭客": 插花者PS: (中場說明)NSL manages a broad range of services across the UK in complex, highly regulated, environments where getting the most from technology and great people is vital. We deliver quality services by constantly developing new ideas and using our expertise to deli...


NSL LTD - A Leading Industrial Group Of Asia Pacific In Construction Products, Environmental Service小七小姐請快幫我結帳話說我上班的路上有ㄧ間很順路的小7(7-11)店員小姐之一有點天兵天兵事件前篇: (一般的找錯錢)有一次繳錢,金額是873,我拿一千塊錢給她,小姐找了八百多給我,我:『小姐,妳找太多了。』我將六百多還給她她還呆住好幾秒,還搞不清楚我在說什麼。我又重複說了一次。她旁邊的同事探頭過來NSL Ltd formerly known as NATSTEEL LTD is a Leading Industrial Group Of Asia Pacific In Construction Products, Environmental Services, Engineering & Chemicals ... Caring For The Community and Our Employees Caring For The Community and Our Employees...


National Soccer League - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia親愛的老婆大人 遵照您的旨意,我在書房裡反省了一個小時四十三分零七秒,喝了一杯白開水,上了一次衛生間,沒有抽煙,以上事實準確無誤,請審查。  附上我的檢討報告,不當之處可以協商。  經過3個月的婚姻生活,我認為老婆同志溫柔賢良,勤奮聰穎,是不可多得的好妻子,而身為丈夫的我卻舉止乖The National Soccer League (NSL) is the former top level soccer league in Australia, run by Soccer Australia and later the Australian Soccer Association. The NSL spanned 28 seasons from its inception in 1977, until its demise in 2004, when it was succeede...


National Specialty Lighting(以下為真人真事,原始資料是用德文對談,已被翻譯成中文)話說..... 某年前的一各德國的某各聊天室裡...... 在德國一個名為 stopHipHop 的 聊天室內 .......** 角色介紹:Elch -> 聊天室版主bitchchecker (中譯:婊子檢查員) -> 自稱超厲害的駭客MetManufacturers and distributors of architectural, decorative, and utility lighting....


NSLE Website夠絕情的兩封信~~親愛的丈夫: 經過我詳細的考慮, 我認為我都是離開你比較好. 我們一起己經七年了, 七年來我自問盡力做一個好太太. 昨日我剛剛收到你公司的來電, 得知你己離職的消息. 老實說, 我對你的將來有一點擔憂. 上星期, 我去剪了一個新髮型, 煮了一U11 Girls Premiere OFC Elite U11 Girls Classic One (North) EPA Storm U11 Girls Classic One (South) LSC United U11 Girls Classic Two (North) GRT Prima White U11 Girls Classic Two (South) NPU Hornets U12 Girls Premier GRT Sting U12 ......
