NTHU Online Judge (source:臉書,下同) 根據蘋果日報報導,年紀相差41歲的爺孫戀終於修成正果了,他們倆表示最快將在下週二結婚。 李坤城表示之前就有說過將在林靖恩20歲(民法規定20歲才是成年人),當日就要登記結婚。 不過他表示雖然想這麼做,還是會尊重小女友的意願,不過他強調「不論結婚與否,我們This is National Tsing Hua University Online Judge, an ACM-like online judge designed for training purposes and a platform of contest. You may utilize this site by the links on the side bar and top-right corner. Each of them will redirect you to a page .....