NTN Corporation 日前陪伴我們 15 個年頭的火影忍者告一段落完結了,許多讀者難免覺得可惜,希望能有更多發展可能。但其實許多動漫作品也會被改編拍成真人版電影或是電視劇,每當要宣布真人化的同時,雖然總是有許多哀嚎聲,甚至偶爾還會有些粉絲會說,希望由哪位演員來演出等。現在,一位烏克蘭繪師 Olga GrigoryevaNTN is a one of the world's largest bearing producers. With manufacturing plants throughout the world, NTN is a leading bearing supplier to both the industrial and automotive markets. In addition to bearings of all sizes and types, NTN is also one of the...