專注力不足搞鬼?! 9成民眾嘆時間不夠用
NU - Simply Better 專注力不足搞鬼?! 9成民眾嘆時間不夠用 拒當瞎忙空轉“陀螺族” 精神科醫師籲咀嚼無糖口香糖提升專注力 作時間的主人 每個人的出生背景、環境都不相同,不過卻公平地被賦予一天24小時的時間,現代人工作忙碌、生活節奏緊湊,許多人總是感嘆時間不夠用,成為天天瞎忙空轉Dolphin Touch Pro Waterproof MP3 Player 4GB The new NU Dolphin Touch pro MP3 player is tailored for music enthusiasts that enjoy swimming, water sports, and outdoor activities; it's fully functional in all weather conditions!It features the world 1st CURV...