[聽錯] 速度
Amazon.com : Nuna Leaf Baby Seat Twilight with Mesh SE02005 : Baby剛剛去買滷味當午餐在我前面有一對母子她們夾完菜交給老闆後兒子跟他媽媽講了悄悄話他媽媽就跟老闆講:「老闆,速度,速度阿」老闆聽了很緊張,手腳有點恍亂速度加快許多 但媽媽還是說:「老闆阿,還是沒有速度阿」老闆聽了更急了變的超恍張手忙腳亂我在後面看還真怕他突然就這樣走了老闆快速滷好後交給那對母子後說:「對Inspired by the carefree float of a leaf on a breeze, the LEAF baby seat treats baby to a similarly mesmerizing ride. The distinctive design the only of its kind was invented from baby's point of view and works at playtime, lunchtime and mama's chore time...