【JUKSY x 球鞋報】Air Jordan 6 饒舌音樂專輯《Pilot Talk》概念
SENA - Nuna Home Page Air Jordan 系列近期復刻/客製/話題動作頻繁,而美國改鞋設計師 EI Cappy 運用六代改造也不下數次,此回既融入饒舌音樂人 Curren$y 於 2010 年出品專輯「Pilot Talk」封面為靈感,將綠色廣泛佈滿整款並置放噴射機標誌於上方,且鞋底側邊的半透明膠底也使用螢光綠色調呈SENA rest easy After a busy day away from home, the last things you want to worry about are an uncooperative cot and a fussy tot. The chic Nuna SENA and SENA mini–thanks to our clever zigzag leg design–pop open easily into a soft, sturdy ......