爆笑有趣 三歲女童單手抓住遊樂園措施,讓一旁的男童看傻眼
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Review - Performance 美國一名三歲女童尼亞最近到遊樂園玩,一屁股坐上巨型360度旋轉輪帶著轉了一圈 全程竟然只靠她單手抓住輪緣!!!! 旁邊的男童都看傻眼了(驚) 她安全落地後還很萌的對著媽媽大喊 我好喜歡這個遊戲 才短短上傳幾天就一百六十人次點閱啦 趕快一起來看看吧 我快笑死NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Graphics Card review including performance and popularity data. ... About Results The Futuremark Hardware Channel is based on the results from 15+ millions 3DMark users. 3DMark has been the world's most popular benchmark and PC ......