Introducing the GeForce GTX TITAN Z | NVIDIA Blog過去一位諮詢的朋友,前不久給了我一封信告訴我,想挽回的對象,在去年已完成終身大事,這件事給他帶來的反思,是曾經後悔努力的去挽回,得到的是這樣的結果,讓他受傷很深。 其實不管是誰,分手後所有的一切,都終止及停止,過去的不能重來,現在也無法繼續,那未來呢?不得而知,我們大家都在現在這一段,明知過去無法回you guys are funny. make me laugh. You know, no one needs a $3k graphics card THAT badly. Besides, I would want two. Can’t get any performance figures on the z. I’d be looking at something like a 690. I bet you can pick it up as a bargain and wait for the...