Amazon.com: Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar for Wii - Black: Nintendo Wii: Video Games 大家還記得小時候最熱門的卡通《美少女戰士》嗎?目眩神迷的變身動作和朗朗上口的「我要代替月亮懲罰你」,讓當年的男女老少都覺得熟悉無比。不過大家迷戀歸迷戀,但是你們知道《美少女戰士》的靈感來源是《恐龍戰隊獸連者》嗎?妞編輯今天就要跟大家分享《美少女戰士》的7個小秘密喔~ source: 美少Go wireless and extend your play range with the Wireless Ultra Sensor Bar for Wii! The sleek, minimalistic design looks great in any room and eliminates the need to find an extra wall outlet. The Ultra Sensor Bar features adjustable settings for room size...