【用吉他尬大聲】系列專訪 脫序派對樂團的噴射放克Mofo Party
The New Zealand Herald - Official Site都會生活令你壓抑得無法暢快呼吸嗎? 來聆聽Mofo Party如何直言不諱地唱出生活的滿腹熱血與憤慨。縱情於表演,一切不快都在腦後。聆聽脫序派對的音樂能直接感受團員們對放克樂風的愛之深。 HERE!20158月號 圖文提供 台灣東販BANG!編輯部 (由左至右貝斯手呂旻、主唱二哥、吉他手Latest breaking news articles, photos, video, blogs, reviews, analysis, opinion and reader comment from New Zealand and around the World - NZ Herald ... Summer Herald Shelling out for oysters good for us Even before the arrival of Pakeha and other migrant...