o my car

Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) - IMDb 4月29日,在武漢動物園路十字路口發生一起車禍, 一隻公雞衝著一輛飛馳的豐田卡羅拉轎車一頭撞去, 車主連忙煞車卻阻止不了這意外, 但真正讓人一想不到的是, 轎車保險槓被撞出一個大洞, 公雞仍不斷咯咯叫, 據可靠消息指出,車壞了,但雞還活著!Directed by Danny Leiner. With Ashton Kutcher, Seann William Scott, Jennifer Garner, Marla Sokoloff. Jesse and Chester, two bumbling stoners, wake up one morning from a night of partying and cannot remember where they parked their car which prompts them o...


Gary Numan - Cars - YouTube北京天驕保鏢訓練營裡,6位美女准保鏢開始了她們的特訓生活。   近幾年,女子保鏢訓練營日漸增多,成為了每年的固定項目, 在這些訓練營中,許多性感美女參與到殘酷的格鬥體能訓練中, 吸引越來越多的美女投身保鏢事業當中。 http://www.numan.co.uk/ Singer-songwriter, musician, producer and pilot. *** LYRICS *** Here in my car I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors It's the only way to live In cars Here in my car I can only receive I can listen to you It keeps me stable ...


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