Ravelry: Oak Trail pattern by Alana Dakos同事老王雖年近40,卻童心未泯,買了新手機,還將所有儲存的電話都設置了不同的個性鈴聲。 這樣一來,每個人給老王打電話,手機都會發出不同的和絃鈴聲。週末,我和老王及其他兩位同事一塊兒去公司附近的酒家聚餐。菜還沒上,老王的手機便響起了一段歡快的小夜曲。 老王點了點頭,說:&ldquoA cloche style hat that sits low and frames the face with a stunning embossed Oak leaf gracing one side. The brim is knit flat and then stitches are picked up along one side and knit up in the round to create the body of the hat....