Amazon.com: Oakley Men's Radar Path Sunglasses,Jet Black Frame/Grey Lens,one size: Oakley: Clothing [ 摘要]《海賊王》的劇情精彩是它的一大看點之一,但經過網友的推敲之後,發現有些情節並不合理,下面讓我們一起來看下! 1.卡普把路飛和艾斯這兩個熊孩子丟給山賊看管,卻希望他們成為海兵,你這不是搞笑麼?無語! (圖片翻攝自toutiao) (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 2.黑胡子在白胡子船上呆了20The Iconic Oakley Radar The most demanding sport professionals in the world have fueled 30 years of Oakley innovation. Athletes have won more championships and medals with Oakley sunglasses than with any other single sport product on earth. The heritage ....