objective c app version

Objective-C - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre太賤了~~!!! Note que instanceMethod2WithParameter demuestra la capacidad de nombrado de parámetro de Objective-C para la cual no existe equivalente directo en C/C++. Los tipos de retorno pueden ser cualquier tipo estándar de C, un puntero a un objeto genérico de ......


Swift vs. Objective-C: 10 reasons the future favors Swift | InfoWorld慘了... Programming languages don’t die easily, but development shops that cling to fading paradigms do. If you're developing apps for mobile devices and you haven't investigated Swift, take note: Swift will not only supplant Objective-C when it comes to developi...


Compile Android Java, iOS Objective C apps for Windows 10 with Visual Studio: a game changer? « Tim 那就是...!!!! Microsoft has announced the ability to compile Windows 10 apps written in Java or C++ for Android, or in Objective C for iOS, at its Build developer conference here in San Francisco. Objective C code in Visual Studio The Android compatibility had been wid...


Objective-C Programming Using Xcode 6 - iPhone Programming, Mobile App Programming, Programming Lang輕鬆解決!!! Updated for Apple’s Xcode 6, this course is aimed at software developers who want to learn how to program in Modern Objective-C 2.0, the programming language used to write programs for Apple’s Mac OS X (used on Macbook and Macbook Pro) and Apple’s iOS ......


How to Create an iPhone App - Overview - C / C++ / C# Programming and Design Tutorials是要玩賽車嗎.......?? Invented nearly 30 years ago by Brad Cox and Tom Love, it marries C (strictly C99) with an Object Oriented Programming Style based on Smalltalk rather than C++. Instead of calling methods on objects, Objective-C sends messages to objects and that is the ....
