Objective-C Discussion Boards - CodeProject10. 木偶獸 黑暗四天王之一,由被詛咒的祖利獸的身體製造而來的究極體木偶數碼獸。據說是有個兇惡的黑客從祖利獸的數據中,做出了這個木偶獸。外表看起來是一個玩偶,卻能憑自己的意志行動。性格極壞,喜歡撒謊,電腦提示錯誤情報的話,那肯定就是木偶獸搗的鬼。必殺技是用裝入了火藥的左輪型鐵鎚進行敲thanks for your replay. i am new in ios. can you please tell me how i check for received message? i have removed alertview from my didreceivemessage method and then i am not able to received message. i have updated my code of appdelegate.m file and method...