
UNOCHA - Official Site         男人和女人相處的時候,總有一些討厭的行為會毀掉一些美好的時光。 有的時候女人有苦說不出,以為憋著忍忍就過去了。 但以下的這五種行為,簡直讓人原地爆炸:   1.跟身邊的女性曖昧不清 喜歡跟身邊的女性曖昧不清的男人,多半能準確揣摩女性OCHA(Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA also ensures there is a framework within which...


United Nations OCHA occupied Palestinian territory夫妻倆愛着愛着,一方突然要變性的故事也講過不少了, 不過,人們往往只能看到跨性別者們「走出來」時的勇敢洒脫, 卻極少能了解到,他們釋放自我後的生活是啥樣的。   大部分人確實從此過上了無憂無慮的幸福人生, 然而,卻也有那麼一小撮,悔的腸子都要青了, 就比如,今天我們要說的這個故事... &Press Release: Humanitarian Coordinator calls for an accelerated recovery effort for the Gaza Strip one year after the 2014 hostilities...


Middle East and North Africa - OCHA | Coordination Saves Lives       近日,一檔經營類觀察真人秀節目《親愛的客棧》正熱播,第一期剛播出,「紀凌塵闞清子」這對CP便成為了焦點話題,24厘米身高差也是瞬間圈粉無數。 與一同錄製節目的王珂劉濤夫妻不同的在於,這對年紀相差5歲的姐弟戀小情侶,在節目裡不斷上演着 「拌嘴—生OCHA’s John Ging and UNICEF’s Ted Chaiban say that action must be taken to arrest deteriorating humanitarian situations in two of the world’s most fragile contexts. Full Story >>...


ReliefWeb - Official Site       最近大家都被「油膩中年」衝擊了,尤其是很多女人感慨,那些油膩膩的中年男人出軌,是最讓人無法接受的。 當然出軌的男人也有不油膩的,總之,這個年頭,男人出軌就像是家常便飯。 而婚姻專家告訴我們,要想結緣一段幸福的婚姻,婚前的選擇往往比婚後的苦心經營還要重要。 United Nations website providing information to humanitarian relief organizations. Updated daily. There is also a directory of non-governmental organizations. The website is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affai...


GreenSquare Group: Housing, Regeneration and Social Investment         在發現男人出軌這件事上,女人簡直是福爾摩斯。 十幾天沒啪啪啪,摸他他說疼。疼你妹啊,疼不就代表剛做完沒多久敏感嗎! 男友發了一張自拍照給我,從鏡子裡能看到我的化妝品都被收了起來。那時,我就知道他出軌了。因為一個男人突然把家裡女人用的化妝品沐浴GreenSquare Group is a major provider of housing, regeneration, care and support and commercial services across Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire. Our mission is to increase the opportunities for people to thrive by building great homes and commu...


Nepal Information Platform       離婚還是不離?這是一個問題。靜靜就陷在這個問題裡,痛苦萬分。   靜靜的老公木頭是個挨踢男,老實木訥,對靜靜也還不錯。生活上有些低能,不過靜靜把他照顧得很好。可自從靜靜辭掉銀行的工作開始做自媒體之後,木頭對她的態度就越來越微妙。 看着靜靜每月幾百Two months after the first of the two devastating earthquakes hit Nepal, some 2.8 million of the people affected still require vital humanitarian assistance. With nearly 600,000 houses destroyed and another 280,000 damaged by the quakes, hundreds of thous...
