Octa Ramis - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki一天,袋鼠開著車在鄉村小路上轉悠,突然看到小白兔在路中央,耳朵及身體幾乎完全趴在地上似乎在聽什麼... 於是..袋鼠停下車很好奇地問:“小白兔,請問一下你在聽什麼?” “半小時前這裡有一輛大貨車經過...”小白兔回答 “哇靠..這麼神!..Biography Edit Early life Edit Octa Ramis was a female Human born on the planet Chandrila in the Core Worlds, [1] around 1 BBY, [2] but spent the majority of her life on high-gravity worlds where she built up her physical strength. [1] Identified as a For...