Amazon.com: The Clapper Sound Activated On/Off Switch, 1 Each: Health & Personal Care 圖翻攝自youtube toutiao.com 下同 海賊王中總有那麼幾個強者,是從未出手,或者只出手過一次,淺嚐則止的 但是,無論從氣場還是設定上,他們都是無可挑剔的,是讀者心中永遠不變的強者, 例如索隆的師傅,世界政府的五老星…… First a warning in reply to all those who've had their clappers go up in flames, smoke or short out. I have no way of knowing what those folks had plugged into theirs but this warning should apply to most. This model of the Clapper is only rated for a MAX...