Amazon.com: The Clapper Sound Activated On/Off Switch, 1 Each: Health & Personal Care 1、老是主動找你聊天,給你發短信,狀態回复什麼的。 (千萬別得意,因為她應該是同時在和很多男的同時聊,你只是其中一個而已。) 2、出去玩的時候會對你做各種肢體接觸,還裝作是無意的,但如果你採取主動對她有肢體接觸的話,你會遭到她毫不猶豫的反對。 (她這麼做是為了讓你覺得她是個矜持純潔女First a warning in reply to all those who've had their clappers go up in flames, smoke or short out. I have no way of knowing what those folks had plugged into theirs but this warning should apply to most. This model of the Clapper is only rated for a MAX...