如何一秒激怒老婆?他解副本太專心 無視1歲兒倒臥「血泊中」
Lana Del Rey - Off To The Races Lyrics | MetroLyrics image source:爆怨公社 文/Allen 看完你還敢叫老公帶小孩嗎?日前臉書《爆怨公社》一名女網友PO文,稱自己某日到家驚見1歲孩子倒臥在「血泊中」,嚇得她立馬向一旁老公求助,但那個當下,孩子的爸因為專心的在打遊戲,所以渾然不知兒子發生什麼事,離譜景象氣得原PLyrics to 'Off To The Races' by Lana Del Rey. My old man is a bad man / But I can' t deny the way he holds my hand / And he grabs me, he has me by my heart ......