off work time

Professional mermaids work their tails off - 好吧,我要說的是日本人民又立功了。近日,發現一位震驚世界級的Coser,芳名梅梅,是一個來自千葉縣的上班族,喜歡的遊戲是三國無雙,主要COS對像是口耐的東方妖妖夢永夜抄系列,以及小圓臉的麻美學姐​​等等。     作為偽娘他很稱職,只要不脫光絕對安能辨我是雌雄,關鍵是62歲(快Shannon Rauch, or Mermaid Shannon, became involved in the community as an alternative form of exercise. Before she knew it, people started paying her to show up at birthday parties in tail. Once she realized she could start making money off her new hobby,...


xkcd: Compiling 想必鄭多燕這個名字大家都不會陌生,網友都稱讚他為「南韓美魔女始祖」。她不禁讓許多熟女著迷,更是讓這些熟女紛紛效仿。近日,網上傳出一位可以與鄭多燕與之匹敵的人物,網友戲稱她為「無臉健身大媽」,她自曝裸肚腹肌照,引起網友熱烈回應。     之所以稱她為「無臉健身大媽」,是因為她從來Protip: If you don't like how your garden is growing, you can click to prune it. Copy the URL to save/share (garden will be view-only from other browsers.) ... Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children...


Is Sitting Killing Me? - TIME | Current & Breaking News | National & World Updates「豪飲」(Neknomination)是什麼?原來是「擁抱你的酒,然後點名下一位。」(Neck your drinks, and nominate another.)這是最近流傳於國外年輕人們臉書的遊戲,被點名到的人,要在最短時間內喝下大量的酒,並把影片上傳臉書,接著「點名」下一個人。  You’ve already heard that sitting is the new smoking. Now, scientists reveal exactly how it hurts the body—and novel ways to undo the damage (without clocking hours at the gym). You might want to stand up for this. We like to think we’re a stand-up specie...


Facebook Unveils Facebook At Work, Lets Businesses Create Their Own Social Networks | TechCrunch日本超人氣毒舌綜藝王「小淳」沒有高大帥氣的外表,但卻被封為『日本藝能界最吃得開的搞笑藝人』,人家可是千人斬是也!他的緋聞名單,說出來真的會嚇死了!無名小模就不說了,日本人氣天后『安室奈美惠』,經典女偶性『小泉今日子』,都是他的座上嘉賓!長相普普的他要如何殺出一片重為,得到女孩的青睞呢?迫不及待了吧?About six months ago, we reported that Facebook was working on a new product aimed squarely at the enterprise market under the working title, “FB@Work.” Now that product is officially coming to light: today the company is launching new iOS and Android app...


NREL: Learning - Wind Energy Basics 阿拉伯男模在參加沙特阿拉伯文化節活動時因為太帥被逐出國境,宗教警察稱擔心阿拉伯男模太帥會迷倒女性遊客。         阿拉伯報紙Elaph消息,這幾名男子當時在首都利雅得(Riyadh)的“沙特杰納第利亞遺產文化節”(JenadriWind Energy Basics We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years. From old Holland to farms in the United States, windmills have been used for pumping water or grinding grain. Today, the windmill's modern equivalent—a wind turbine—can us...


The Exact Amount Of Time You Should Work Every Day | Fast Company | Business + Innovation 你有向人借過錢嗎? 《借錢》我看完,心裡觸動了…說的太好了,請好朋友認真看看,尤其是後面幾段話:值得深思。 上個月,我的一個朋友某某因為生意上出了點意外,急需要一筆錢,當他打電話給我時,我感覺有一點奇怪,因為我們的關係僅僅只限於一般朋友,故此,就有了一點點猶豫。我說:一會兒我給你電話Editor's Note: This is one of the most-read leadership articles of 2014. Click here to see the full list. You know that taking frequent breaks is good for your productivity, focus, and creativity, but you just never seem to get around to it. You feel stre...
