Up to 20% off ASOS Discount Codes | January 2015年輕夫婦在天體海灘享受日光浴, 突然一隻蜜蜂鑽進太太的私處。 丈夫連忙拿毯子蓋住太太,抱上車,一路飆到醫院。 經過醫生檢查,因為蜜蜂跑得太進去,所以用鑷子夾不出來 醫生建議丈夫把蜂蜜塗在龜頭上,進入太太體內去引誘蜜蜂, 只要一感覺到刺痛,立刻抽出。可是丈夫太緊張了,一直無法勃起。 「如果兩位都不反對DECEMBER20 works like a charm in Germany. BUT: The prices gone up exactly at 6 pm GMT, when this discount code became valid. All other discounts, which previously had been valid like the 30%-Winter-Discount, expired! And now, after midnight, there are ......