Malala's open letter to Nigeria's abducted schoolgirls - CNN.com女人的秘密寫在日記裡,鎖在抽屜裡,甚至是在貼著閨中密友的耳畔說的悄悄話裡,男人的心裡秘密呢? 一、情感紀錄 美國某電影有句著名的台詞:女人如果說自己跟一個男人睡過覺,往往是那個數字要乘以三;男人如果說自己跟三個女人睡過覺,那數字則要除以三。那麼,男人為什麼不喜歡(CNN)On the eve of the one-year mark since nearly 300 schoolgirls were abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria, Malala Yousafzai released an "open letter" to the girls Monday. "Like you, I was a target of militants who did not want girls to go to school," she w...